George and Duke

Private Nursery and Elementary School

Since 1995

Student life

Athletics and other Extra Curricular Activities

In addition to their academic activites, our student participate in a wide range of extracurricular activites such as sport, drama, talent shows, debates, camping, musical performances, cultural and creative arts, boys's and girl's scouts, chess and many more.

Our biannual inter-house sports competitions will be coming up in July, 2022 more details about the venue and date will be announced shortly. Thank you.

Track and field Soccer Table tennis
Basketball Volleyball Marching
Sports Calendar
2022 Our biannual inter-house sports competitions will be coming up in July, 2022. More details about the venue and date will be announced shortly. Thank you.
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    Music gives people aesthetic enjoyments. It is a universal language, which is not influenced by how much knowledge a person has. It can express emotions as well as feelings, and becomes a nessary part of daily life. For children who are at a sentitive age, the purpose of inspiring them to learn music actively is not trying to make them great musicians, but trying to stimulate the potential and urging the rapid development of the brain. Our children learn music right from creche. In fact, in the Pre-Nursery department, the children often learn more by singing educational songs. As they move to higher classes, they will have the opportunity to join the George and Duke Choir where they perform during school activities and other shows. The children also learn to play different musical instruments such as the flute, piano, drums and trumpet.
  • Cell Reader's Club
    The Cell Reader's Club comprises of a group of GDNES students who participate in school debates, interschool debates, spelling bees competitions and other interschool educational competitions. A very good club that braces children for a world of competition, and being bold and confident in front of an audience.
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Drama Club Presents

Alaadin & His wonderful lamp

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July 10

Watch Out!

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    Performing Arts
    Welcome to GDNES Drama Club! Our diverse activities include music lessons, dance lessons, drama lessons and performances. The Drama club has highly interesting performers who bring their wealth bring their wealth of experience to entertain the audience. All meetings are hands-on, comprising of both practical and theoretical studies. The Drama Club is a term round Performing session open 13 weeks of the term. Students are welcome to enroll at the beginning of the term.